Assay Kits
Cat. No.
500T x 1
7,500 NT
500T x 5
20,000 NT
500T x 10
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500T x 20
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Fig. 1 The principle of LDH cytotoxicity assay.
This product, LDH cytotoxicity assay kit, is designed for the determination of cytotoxicity by measuring the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity. LDH is a stable enzyme presented in all types of cells, and rapidly released into the cell medium upon the damaged plasma membrane. Therefore, we can measure the activity of LDH with this product according to Fig. 1.
LDH catalyzes dehydrogenation of lactate to pyruvate thereby reducing NAD+ to NADH. NADH reduces a water-soluble tetrazolium salt (WST) into an orange-color formazan. The intensity of the generated orange-color correlates directly with the number of lysed cells. Since the advanced WST is more sensitive than traditional tetrazolium, such as INT, less amount of culture medium (10 μL) is required for assay, and the background from serum and culture medium is significantly reduced. In addition, since the generated color is stable, the reaction can be read multiple times by spectrometer or plate reader at 450 nm (OD450).
Fig. 2. The LDH activity of A549 cells (5,000 cells per well). A549 cells were diluted in 96-well cell culture plate with DMEM medium containing 10% FBS.
To be Continued...